

Then it was over, she collapsed on top of me, breathing hard. After a taking few moments to collect her self she climbed back off me and returned to her seat. I started the car and she tried to fix her self up as much as possible as I continued to drive her home. When we pulled up outside her house she leaned across to me, kissed me passionately, and thanked me before leaving the car and walking up her driveway without so much a looking back. Milf but I knew that this wasn’t the end.

It was her eyes which first attracted me to Wendy. They were light blue, the colour of a radiant sky. When she looked at you with them you could not refuse her her bidding. It was in this powerless situation which I found myself when I went for a night on the town all by myself.

My friends, Adrian and David, cried off sick, so what had started out as an evening out with the lads quickly became a solo project. I was still determined to have a good time, Milf but come the end of the night, in a local disco, it looked as though solace was to bring me no joy.

It was then I bumped into Wendy. Although she was three years younger than me, at 19, I knew her quite well through her friendship with my sister, who was the same age. As a kid she had been gawky, Milf but she still had those blue pools for eyes. When her body filled out, not even her pert figure could draw attention away from those mesmerising eyes.

Now, in the flush of adolescence and at her physical prime she looked more radiant than ever. Her strict training regime - which she described as gym three times a week, no junk food and plenty of sex - had kept her in superb shape.

Her tight white top accentuated the smooth curves of her chest and waist, and as was the style her top left a narrow strip of tanned stomach exposed before the rest of her body disappeared beneath a pair of tight black hipsters which done their job of highlighting her tight firm bottom and of course those oh-so-sexy knicker lines.

As I started talking to her I felt like the snowball taking a chance in hell, Milf but as our conversation continued I began to wonder whether she wanted to play ball with me instead. When her petite hands began to stroke my knee I decided to throw caution to the wind and use every ounce of my charm to get this young woman into bed.

With the end of the music quickly approaching I suggested to Wendy that we leave early to avoid the crowds. She agreed and went on to ask a question which I never thought such a 'sweet' girl would have spoken. "Where do you want to fuck. My place or yours?"

Milf Meghprakashan

Copyright 2006 Milf